miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

The Modern Period

Hi everyone!! This week we are talking about the modern period and there are a lot of things that are new for me. For example, I did not know that the modern period was a time that not only helped to develop the US but also it helped to the whole world due to at that time many new technological things were created, so that helped every country because since then we can have benefits of the things that were created during that period. Also, we were benefited with the US literature because there were many writers that not only write their works in their native American language but also they made their works universal because their works were translated in different languages in order that people from other cultures could read them. For example, Ernest Hemingway was one of those figures who made his works universal. I have already heard about this man and even I have heard his novel “The Old Man and the Sea”, but I did not know that he belonged to this modern period and least that he was the most popular novelist of this period.

Now, I know that the modern period happened between the two world wars and that this period have been characterized by many historians as the US’ traumatic “coming of age” (VanSpanckeren, 60). This period brought a lot of success to the Americans because it not only there were technological advancement but also American people started to enjoy the world’s highest national average income, so people get prosperity in different areas of their life thanks to modernism. Moreover, now, I know that in this period there were some authors that, as in the other periods that we have studied, made a great contribution to the American literature. For example, one of those authors was Thomas Eliot because he was one of the most well know writers of the poetry in that time; it is because he received the best education of any major American writer of his generation, and also because he studied Sanskrit and Oriental philosophy that influenced in his poetry. Also, Eliot’s works have influenced generations, so without any doubt this was a great figure in that period because his poetry helped to the American literature development.

I would like to know if throughout the history and periods of the American literature American writers have always had to emigrate to England or another country in order to flourish the liiterauture of their country because through these readings I could realize that most of the writers had to do it in order to have success in their works, so is it still happening or was it just in the past??


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, Abi. I'm impressed with what you have mentioned in you blog. Yuo have not only mentioned about literature, but you also have mentioned that during the modernism period, the United States started its development. I totally agree when you state that during the modernism period the United States Started its development. Since like the same word mentions it "Modern" When I first hear this word, I imagined something new, and that it true since during the Modern period, the United States implemented new diveces to communicate with exterior world. The first devices implemented during this period, they were the telephone, typewriter, camera and some other devices. Furthermore, alike you I did not that this period took place during the postwars. Hence, I agree when you say that United States was the first country in developing and spreading the first technological devices all over the world. However, we must to know that England is considered, the pioneer country in developing technological devices trough centuries. And England was the country which colonialized U.S. Talking about literature, I agree with you that T.S. Eliot was the most important writer in United States in the 20th century, and one of his gratest work, it is "The Waste Land". However, there were other famous writers like Robert Frost, William William, Ernest Hemingway and others. Finally, the Modernist and experimentation period was very important for United States since during this period there were many advances of technology, literature and more.

  2. Hi Abi :) I agree with you, the modern period increased the economy of Americans, because in that period many technological things were created, another important thing that we have to mention is that a lot of Americans received higher education and that helped the evolution of the country. Also I agree when you mention that "the modern period happened between the two world wars", I think that was a main factor of inspiration for some writers in that period.

    Also you say that "Thomas Eliot was one of the most well know writers of the poetry in that time; it is because he received the best education of any major American writer of his generation" and that it is true he studied in at Harvard College and Merton College of Oxford University. I think that this writer was very important in the modern period because he inspired others writer, “He also wrote influential essays and dramas, and championed the importance of literary and social traditions for the modern poet” (page 64). So I think that Eliot is a good of example of the most important writers in that period.
